Our Services

Just like us, horses can get sore from time to time.  However, horses are not able to communicate their discomfort as easily making this hard to spot and know when to seek treatment. 

Just some of the signs of discomfort in horses include:

  • Subtle signs such as tension around the eye, nose and mouth, looking worried or sensitivity to being touched in certain areas.

  • Issues when ridden including opening the mouth, high head carriage, reluctance to move forward, difficulty working on a particular rein or difficulty with certain transitions, bucking, bolting or kicking out.

  • Visible signs such as uneven muscle tone, changes to posture, stiffness and behavioral changes may also indicate pain.s.

  • Animal Osteopathy

    Osteopathy is a non-invasive and holistic treatment that helps restore motion and ease musculoskeletal discomfort, improve performance and prevent injury.

    Find out more about Animal Osteopathy Here

  • Low Level Laser Therapy

    Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), sometimes called Cold Laser or Photobiomodulation, is a non-invasive treatment using specific wavelengths and frequencies of light to stimulate cells. This can help to reduce healing time, improve circulation and reduce swelling and pain.

    Find out more about Laser Therapy Here

  • Horse and Rider Treatment

    Equine Osteopathy isn’t just for the elite competition horse and rider, making sure that you and your equine partner are working together, in balance and comfort, can prevent injuries and improve performance.

    Find out more about Horse and Rider Treatment Here